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1 John 4:19 "We love because He first loved us!"


Saturday, May 27, 2006

I wonder about what
the future hold for me.
Will I be happy
about the fact I'm free?
Free to live the life,
the life which is in Jesus
My life, the days I live
as He above see us.
Am I living the life
that is fruitful to Him?

I wonder to wonder about
what He thinks of us.
Are we as His created
treating the earth as He trust?
The Earth for His Glory
created and made for us.
Do we treat it as
it is though?
The Earth, how we treat it
is ultimately how we treat
God's Kingdom.

(Not sure, please comment)


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I often wonder about the identity of the church. What it is supposed to look like? What is to be incorporated into it? Many people have blogged about this topic as did one of my friends Tim has commented on it also, as well as a mess of other people.

Are we today representing Christ? I believe that in each of us is the Church, and how we choose to express the identity of Christ revealed to us, is church. We are constantly examining what church should be and what it should not be. But we need to remember that we are the church of Christ. We are apart of the body of Christ, each and everyone of us. In order to function as apart of the body, we must be unity with the rest of the body. 1 Corinthians 12 So I wonder by discrediting or criticizing other parts of the church, are we not ourselves, as a part of the body of Christ.

There is a part of me in which says, that unless you are doing your part, you have no place examining another part of the body. Its about action. But also, is it really our place to look down or to criticize the way another part of the body worships or portrays their mission as a part of the whole.

This weekend I had the blessed opportunity to attend Youth Councils in the Swoneky Division (South West Ohio, North East Kentucky-Just in case). And Major Wayne Maynor said something that struck me odd. He said to a bunch of youth-I hope I quote correctly- "Just because they sing from the songbook-doesn't mean they are wrong, just means thats how they worship God. Just because they like brass band music for worship, doesn't mean they are wrong, just means thats how they worship God. Just because you like rap music, doesn't mean you are wrong, just means thats how you worship God." Major Maynor went on with these kinda phrases for a while and at the end he said, "Everyone is a unique child of God, who was created to worship God according to their identity."

I pray that in the uniqueness in which God has crafted me, I praise Him and worship Him in my identity and as the part of the larger body of Christ.

(This is definately a rant and rave, but something I have been thinking about lately)


Sunday, May 07, 2006

Set ablaze the fire
In my heart oh, Spirit of God
Let my thoughts be your kindling
Use them to produce the fire in my heart

Rekindle my spirit
Ignite my heart
Holy Ghost fire
Let my soul be your start

Burn up every trace of sin
Create a fire of passion
for the lost and rejected
Your fire sets everything ablaze

Really been thinking about fire on all levels. The Holy Ghost fire, what it is and what it does. Also the difference between the fire that we need and plead for against the fire that we reject and depised in Hell. Would be really interested to hear your thoughts on both of these topics and/or the writing here on fire.

The Bible

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Well I was sitting in class an heard a wonderful quote about the Bible that I wanted to share with you.

"The Bible is useless if we are not going to discover the mission for which it has for the world inside."


Monday, May 01, 2006

What is holiness? Is it just about being good, doing the right thing in the right situations?

This weekend General Bramwell Tillsley lead us in a wonderful uplifting of the Holy Spirit and what it meant to be holy in the eyes of God. General Tillsley has a way about him and a common sense that I think is matched by no one in explaining holiness. God has gifted him in a way, in which he can take the most complicated questions concerning holiness and make it seem so simple.

On Friday morning the General spoke of Abiding. Abiding in Christ Jesus, basically obeying Jesus. What an awesome outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Friday night was a awesome display of unity I believe between the cadets of the SFOT and the retired officers community. We met together being ages and years of service apart but had one common theme among us, the love we have the Jesus.

Holiness is being holy, being saved through and through. Holiness in its completeness can not be obtained I believe, but it is to be sought after on a hourly basis (at least in my case). God calls us to be holy, Leviticus 11:45 , God expects us to be holy.

Holiness is a hard idea to grapple with at least in my mind. Living every moment of the day, with the thoughts of God to make my decisions. What an awesome task at hand. God wants us to transform our minds to think like Him. To have thoughts, make decisions, and choose actions based on the glorification of our Lord.

I make mistakes everyday and sometimes they are mistakes that I don't realize and sometimes they are just moronic mistakes that I wish never happen but they do. But God calls us to be better, to live a life that is holy. Hebrews 12:14

General Tillsley taught a wonderful chorus today. I would like to share this with you.

Here I am so unworthy of the blood
Unworthy of the blood that sets me free
Here I am so unworthy of the blood
But yet it flowed for me.

Jesus died, God calls us to be holy. An easy equation in my mind. I write now and tell you that I love Jesus Christ supremely above all things.

(Thoughts are mine, Please feel free to comment.)

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1 John 4:19